Ibã Sales Huni Kuin, Jeremy Narby

Can Plants Teach?


How can dialogue and exchange across the borders of cultures and knowledge systems be successful? Ibã Sales is a shaman of the Indigenous Huni Kuin people in the southern Brazilian Amazonian region and a txana (master of chants) of the MAHKU – Artistic Movement of the Huni Kuin. Jeremy Narby is a Stanford anthropologist and writer, who spent several years living with Indigenous communities in the Amazonian region cataloging Indigenous uses of rainforest resources. In his books, Narby examines shamanism and molecular biology. In the framework of CULTURESCAPES 2021 Amazonia, Jeremy Narby and Ibã Sales Huni Kuin met at Museum Tinguely on 21 October 2021 to talk about the questions, if and how plants teach.  



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