Curated by Annette Amberg
Vídeo nas Aldeias: An Audiovisual Movement by and Among Indigenous Peoples in Brazil
Curated by Annette Amberg
Coalmine - Raum für Fotografie
19.11.2021 - 30.01.2022
The Coalmine presents an overview of more than thirty years of work by Vídeo nas Aldeias (Video in the Villages). The collective, founded in 1986 by Brazilian activist Vincent Carelli, is the result of many years of close relationships with Brazil's indigenous peoples, including the Xavante, Guarani Kaiowá, Fulni-ô, Gavião, Krahô, Maxakali, Yanomami and Kayapó. At the center of Vídeo nas Aldeias' work is the training of indigenous filmmakers. Ethical issues and aesthetic choices are interwoven in their productions, which cover topics such as rituals, myths, cultural events and political demonstrations, as well as experiences of contact and conflict with whites. Vídeo nas Aldeias produces educational materials, makes screenings in indigenous communities, and shows the films on Brazilian television and at international film festivals.
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