a recurse 4 [3] worlds, Nolan Oswald Dennis, 2023, excerpt

Nolan Oswald Dennis

a recurse 4 [3] worlds

Kunsthalle Basel, Back wall project
1.10.2023 — 11.08.2024
Opening: 30.09.2023, 15:00-17:00


Nolan Oswald Dennis presents a site-specific, monumental artwork spread across the back wall of Kunsthalle Basel. A large-scale diagram is built on artist’s discussions with physicists, geographers, and writers. Employing mathematical abstractions and African fractal geometry, the artist charts the systems, logics, and meta-histories of a world dependent on exclusions, which are based on race, gender, class, and geography. This new work borrows from various spiritual practices and knowledges shared across the Sahara to reimagine a different African-European space. As Dennis’s first such artwork in public space, the project is imagined as a tool for disorientation—a technical diagram offering viewers a method for reconsidering concepts of space, time, history, and possibility. Nolan Oswald Dennis (* 1988, Zambia) is an artist from Johannesburg, South Africa. Grounded in decolonial politics, his practice explores the politico-spiritual dimensions of time, identity, and knowledge production in the anxious South. Working in a non-disciplinary mode, he is interested in the materialisation of epistemological difference and the geographies of knowledge. Kunsthalle Basel, 1.10.2023—11.08.2024 Opening: 30.09.2023, 15:00-17:00 Website Kunsthalle Basel Artist website The project is presented in cooperation with Kunsthalle Basel and made possible through the generous support of HEIVISCH, with in-kind support from the Stadtreinigung, Tiefbauamt Basel-Stadt.

Where and when

a recurse 4 [3] worlds

01.10. – 11.08.2024

Kunsthalle Basel, Basel

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