Grecia Albán

Future. Amazonian Portraits

Grecia Albán


Grecia Albán is a multidisciplinary musical artist, singer, composer, and independent manager with a degree in contemporary music from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito / Berklee College of Music Network. Since 2008 she has performed as a musician in different musical projects in the city of Quito, Ecuador.  She has recorded five musical albums and composed music for films such as Tan distintos, La Tola Box, and Objetos Rebeldes.  Grecia toured over China, France, Spain, Italy, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, and Ecuador.  As a cultural manager, she developed various projects—Encuentro de Cantoras Sinchi Warmikuna (5 editions), Residency of musical composition in natural spaces, Sikwanka, and Música Libre, Escuela de Canto Popular (musical training space led by women with intercultural approach). Currently, she is pursuing a master's degree in cultural management at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.

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